We have learned over the years how to obtain the highest returns from our sales activities and to make the sales process as easy as possible for home owners.
Presale Activities
Develop exit plans & execute them. Homeowners need to know where they are going and how they are going to get there!
Make estimates of the market value of your home with and without repairs and/or improvements.
Conduct inspections to determine what repairs and/or improvements are worth doing before placing your home on market.
Obtain financing, if necessary, for the repairs and/or improvements.
Recommend trades persons to carry out the repairs and/or improvements.
Obtain permits and sign contracts.
Coordinate the repairs and/or improvements so they are completed in a timely manner, within budget, and are of high quality.
Review public records including permits, zoning regulations, rent control, and preliminary title reports.
Address legal issues such as legalizing units and making lot line adjustments.
Marketing Your Home -- the Sale
Develop a Marketing Plan specific to your home and the competition.
Stage your home, partially or fully.
Prepare disclosure packages.
Prepare marketing materials for the internet, mailings, & the print media.
Place your home on multiple listing services and the internet.
Hold Open Houses for real estate brokers, their agents, and the public.
Assist you in receiving and evaluating offers.
Monitor escrows, address contingencies, and assist at closings.
Assist in making moving arrangements.
You, the home owner, will decide how much you want to be involved in the broad range of services we offer.
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